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Stephen Hawking: 'There is no heaven; it's a fairy story'

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the cosmologist shares his thoughts on death, M-theory, human purpose and our chance existence

Category: Big Science, Space


Lift-off for private space travel dream?

In a gleaming white lobby, with curiously warped furniture familiar from Star Trek, twenty-somethings in shorts and T-shirts amble past like they're on their way to hear a band.

Category: Space, Transport


US and Europe plan new spaceship

Europe and the US could be building a spaceship together later this decade.


Head of Russia space agency Roscosmos replaced

Russia has replaced the head of its space agency, Anatoly Perminov, who was reprimanded over a failed satellite launch in December.

Category: Space


China unveils rival to International Space Station

Less than a decade ago, it fired its first human being into orbit. Now, Beijing is working on a multi-capsule outpost in space. But what is the political message of the Tiangong 'heavenly palace'?

Category: Space, Communications

Displaying results 46 to 50 out of 417